Hunter started smiling this weekend. I was only able to get a picture of a half smile he shot at me yesterday, but he smiled at both Mommy and Daddy a couple of times this weekend.
He also is holding his head up so well!! These pics were taken of Hunter while he was laying on Mommy's chest. The one on the left was just cute because he does that - he rests his head on his chubby little arms and it is soooo cute.
Then the one on the right was one of the many shots Daddy got of him holding up his head. He's so strong! And his arm movements are getting much more deliberate. We're so proud of our little man.
Hunter also slept "through the night" Sunday night. We started using what's called the Miracle Blanket last Thursday. It swaddles him nice and tight so that his arms don't wake him up. The first night wasn't the best because he was trying really hard to get his arms free, so he was grunting after his 3:30 feeding trying to get free (hence, his new nickname "Grunter"). However, he ended up sleeping till 4:45 the next night, then 5:00, and then 5:40 this morning!!! That's 8 hours between feedings!! Yay!!! I was so excited that I couldn't sleep - kept waking up and looking at the clock. He's still grunting trying to get free from the blanket, but he isn't waking up. Hopefully, he'll start getting used to the straight jacket and will be more comfortable during the night.