Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hunter - 10 months

More later!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Cowboy Smith

Uncle Brad got Hunter this adorable cowboy hat as an Easter gift. Isn't he just the cutest cowboy you've ever seen???

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

I could put captions on all of the pics, but I will abstain. Hunter had a great first Easter, in spite of the latest ear infection and the miserable new meds they gave us this time which cause all kinds of horrible things that I won't discuss here. Thankfully though, he does seem to feel better today after taking a few doses (I guess some of it is staying in his system!!).

Oh - I will tell you that our Easter Bunny pics were interesting - we went to see him (her?) at Chickfila earlier in the week with our friends, the Beasley's. Hunter was very intrigued at first, and when we went to do pics, he wouldn't keep his eyes off the bunny. By the time we were finished eating, however, Hunter was quite sleepy and when we saw that the photographer's pics hadn't come out well, we took another sitting - Hunter wasn't nearly as fond of the furry rabbit the second time around. He got his scary face going, so none of the "professional" shots came out too great. Oh well!! Mommy's came out pretty good anyway.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Best Friends

Hunter is officially crawling now - he started doing the full hands and knees, forward most of the time crawl last week. Not surprising since he started his new class and all the kiddos in this class are all over the place. Of course, we are wondering why in the world we were so anxious for him to get around since all he wants to do now is go everywhere and bump his head on everything. But the head butts in the following video (which is a little long - sorry) are perfectly fine since Hunter obviously thinks that it's a sign of affection. :)

Keep Hunter in your prayers. He's been suffering through some pretty bad ear infections over the past 9 days. We've seen the pediatrician 4 times in that time period (one for his well baby visit, but still), and he's had to get two shots of some sort of antibiotic. We're still giving oral antibiotics too, so he goes back on Wednesday for a checkup to make sure his ears are all better. He was fever free all day today and most of Saturday, so I think we're on the right track!!