Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hunter - 17 weeks

Unfortunately, Hunter has his first ear infection. So the pics here were the best I could get given his demeanor over the past 24 hours or so. We got an antibiotic today and we're hoping it works fast!!

The good news is that we have a growing boy on our hands! He weighed in at 14 lbs 4 oz and was a whopping 27.5 inches long!!! The doctor said to keep doing whatever we're doing. We have his 4 month well baby visit next week, so we'll get to talk to the doctor more about his size and when we start solids and all that good stuff.

This first picture is from yesterday and I just love it. He was so tired and just plain worn out after I picked him up from daycare, so I stripped him down to his diaper, gave him his bunny and put him in his "chair" and he was out. His temperature went down while he slept and he was in better spirits for the evening.

We also brought down his Baby Einstein jumper (thanks to Dave) and he really likes it!! I will try to post the video later this week, but here is a picture for now. We have to put a blanket around him to keep him from falling forward (he doesn't like it when that happens), so he can't reach everything as well as he will be able to when he's in it without the blanket. But he really enjoyed playing in it today, when nothing else could get him to stop crying (poor thing). But Mommy still has to play "with" him when he's in it, or it's not nearly as much fun (or so the crying says). :)

1 comment:

The Beasley's said...

I'm so sorry that sweet little boy has an ear infection--that is totally no fun! He looks sweet as ever in these pictures, though. Can't wait to see ya'll tonight :-)