Sunday, February 24, 2008

More video (plus a picture or two)

What a week! As busy as Mommy and Daddy are, Hunter is just as busy with all of his new activities. He's feeding himself regularly now (I'd say he's successfully getting the food into his mouth about 90% of the time by now). Jake isn't nearly as stuffed since the cereal isn't hitting the ground as often any more. :) Hunter absolutely loves the biter biscuits (or whatever those things are called). They have to be the messiest food we've encountered so far. Hunter really loves his solids...he's doing stage 3 foods now, with some 2's mixed in. I think he's supposed to get 5 "servings" a day, and he's getting more like 7 or 8. When we went to the doctor last week (some sort of virus), he was 30.5 inches and over 20 lbs. He'll have his official 9 month weigh in sometime next week (still need to make that appt...).

Hunter is also starting to get around the house, in his own ways, without actually crawling. He does the "butt scoot" pretty well, but it keeps him within a 3 foot radius. The best way he's figured out to move is to go backwards, and then turn around (since he master the full 360 weeks ago). He also will hold onto the coffee table (or anything that height) for a good while and then plops down on his rear - he pretends that it hurts until we tell him he's fine and then he wants us to put him back up. He hasn't figured out yet what he can grab hold of to pull himself up there (it's not the most kid friendly coffee table). He did start to pull his knees up to crawling position today, so maybe he will actually crawl the "right" way. Today it was pretty obvious that either way, we're going to have to do some more baby proofing.

We also took full advantage of the beautiful weekend and spent some time on the swings. I had the camera yesterday and got a few pics (only posting one for now) and a video. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Grandmommy said...

How adorable!! It looks like he's already "pumping." I can't wait to see him, uh, I mean y'all!