Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Jenna – 8 months

I get a lot of comments about Jenna looking like Hunter, but I just do NOT see it.  Let’s compare again, shall we???


It’s not the easiest comparison, but her eyes are more squinty like mine are when I smile.  And her ears don’t stick out like his do.   :)   Or maybe the hats and bows just distract the eyes so you don’t see the big ears. 

Jenna has one tooth and is crawling all over the place.  She has pulled up to her knees pretty often, and has pulled all the way to her feet while leaning on Mommy (probably helps to have that moral support).  She’s about 15 lbs now, maybe a little more, and had her first ear infection at the end of March.  We’ll go back later this week to make sure it’s gone.

Here are some other cute pictures of Jenna over the past week or so.

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Future Soccer player????


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