Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hunter - 10 weeks

Has it really been 10 weeks already???

Yes, I'm posing - and aren't I cute???

We tried the swing again today, and yes, he likes it!! I don't think I had tried the swing at a time when Hunter wanted to really be stimulated, so I put him in it this afternoon after a few minutes playing on his Discovery Gym. He was nice and content and the swing didn't change that. He started getting tired a few minutes ago and got a little cranky, but I put his trusty paci in and he's happy as a lark. I have a video too, but want to try to load it a different way, so check back later to see if I figured out how to do it. This pic was actually taken while swinging - just had to time it right. Not sure if you can tell, but his head is just a couple inches from the top of the seat - I told you he was long!!!

1 comment:

The Beasley's said...

The backdrop of the pool table is quite clever--I'm just loving that red! Hunter is as cute as ever..he has a very sweet smile :-)