Sunday, January 04, 2009

Hunter's New Year's Resolutions

1. Get rid of pacifier - Checked this one off before the new year officially rang in. We thought this would be painful, but apparently, Mommy doesn't always know best! I think I was using it as my own crutch. I had the same problem with getting rid of the bottle - Hunter had no issue with it, of course. He has actually seemed to sleep better without it. He's only had one night where he struggled to stay asleep and that was Friday after he'd worn himself out at school and hardly took any nap - he was way overtired. He was only using it while sleeping and in the car. No problems with naps or in the car either - he hasn't had it at all since Wednesday. And the one at daycare was snatched up the same day, so when he starts his new class tomorrow, he won't even have one in his cubby.

2. Learn more words - Although Hunter is actually developmentally ahead in this area), he is always anxious to learn more words. I put some of his favorites into a word search for you. They can be up, down, backwards, diagonal, any which way. I'm sure I missed a few, but it will be fun nonetheless!

3. Play with as many toys at one time as humanly possible - This is one of Hunter's favorite things, especially since Santa came and the grandparents, aunts and uncles had their way with him. He is surrounded by Sesame Street and Little People, and seems to want to have it all out on the floor at once. Probably his favorite thing is actually part of the Little People "town" that has a schoolhouse, a treehouse, a pet shop, etc - it has red apple "tokens" that you put into the tree house and it counts them for you. He's a pro, but only left-handed...he gets so frustrated when he tries with his right hand.

4. Going along with #3, learn to put away my toys as soon as I am asked. :)

5. Learn to go potty like a big boy - Santa left one present under the tree that may have had Hunter's name on it, but Mommy and Daddy hope to reap the most benefits from it. Hunter got a potty seat, one that goes on the big potty. He was deathly afraid when I first forced him to sit on it, but thankfully he was fine once he realized he wasn't going to fall in. (Yes, I know this could have totally backfired on me, but I took a chance, and it paid off.) He sits on it with pleasure, and usually sits for about 5 seconds before saying "all done." He has yet to do anything but sit on it, but we're going to start "working" with him more next weekend. I don't even have a plan yet, so if you want to point me to a book or blog that has good advice, please do not hesitate!!!

1 comment:

The Beasley's said...

Whew, I am SO behind on your blog it's crazy. I had to go through and read about 4 or 5 posts! Hunter is doing great! Way to go on removing the paci. Our goal is to get rid of it after we take our trip to Disney World (it's at the end of this month), and we're flying, and since we've NEVER done this with her, I don't want to be without the most beloved paci :) Hunter looks as cute and sweet and grown up as ever! Also, please don't hate me for not completeing your header yet. Things have been a little insane around here!