Monday, December 20, 2010

Hunter and Santa

I’m not sure if all 3-year-old boys are like mine, but Hunter is not a very well-behaved child.  I thought surely our “Elf on the Shelf” would help this year…the threat that Gussa (our elf) would go to the North Pole at night to tell Santa how naughty or nice Hunter had been…not so much.  It works occasionally, but not as often as I would like.

Nonetheless, Hunter did get to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas.  Here was his list (in order of appearance):

1.  a Buzz Lightyear as big as the Christmas Tree (this was nixed from the list before sitting on Santa’s lap, thankfully)

2.  a bike (we trained him well)

3.  a car (the kid has at least 40 cars, but alas, he wants more)

4.  a transformer (this was added after he sat on Santa’s lap, but was appropriately communicated to Gussa to relay up the chain)

Hunter and Santa 2010

The reason Jenna’s name is nowhere to be found in the title of this post is because she refused to get within 3 feet of Santa and kicked and screamed when I put her on his lap.  Thankfully, we hadn’t stood in line long at all because this was an unexpected Santa sighting at our community center on “snow day” which was very cool.  I felt incredibly guilty for taking pleasure in all of the activities, having come empty handed since we were just walking to the park!!

Jenna will get good reports from Gussa though.  He sees her pick up her toys (and Hunter’s) every night, without any complaints.  He sees her go to her daddy for night-night wishes and kisses like the sweet angel that she is.  Gussa hears her trying so hard to say words like “Hunter” and “football” and succeeding at saying her favorite “mama” as well as dada, shoes, ball, nigh-nigh, bye-e-e-e-e, and a handful of other words.

Hunter also had a very successful Christmas caroling presentation at school last week. I actually didn’t take any pictures apparently and only got video, which I will have to work on getting on here because those kids are just awesome!!  And Hunter was very good at yelling to his friends when he spotted their parents (“Emily, there’s your daddy.”  “Landon, I see your mommy.”).

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