Saturday, August 16, 2008

Communicating with a toddler

Sure, he's babbled and been saying his own little words for awhile, but lately, we've been a bit more cognizant of what words Hunter is really saying. The current list includes:

- uh oh
- dada
- mama
- mine (that's the latest and greatest)
- deboy (no idea what this means, but it is apparently his favorite thing to say)
- no (most common word from my son's mouth unfortunately)

As for sign language, he still does please, but not as often as I would like. We think he has his own version of HOT - both hands slapping his head. Very strange, but that is what he consistently does when we ask him to say hot!

He also hums when he ask him what a cow says (must have been working on that at school because I had been trying for weeks to no avail and all of the sudden he started doing it last night). He consistently shakes his head yes when I ask him if he's silly, and if he likes his food. Funny thing is a lot of times when he shakes his head yes, and I say "alright," he changes to shaking his head no.

Kinda like clapping, the waving came late, but he's pretty consistent with waving hi and bye now.

Just wanted to get this documented since I know I won't remember in a few months. :)

1 comment:

The Beasley's said...

We miss you, friends! Hunter's vocabulary sounds fabulous, as does yours Mrs. Cognizant...I'm not sure I can even say that one right ;-)