Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A day off

UPDATE from last post: Thank you Grandmommy and Heather. We cut apple juice out of Hunter's diet and it seemed to do the trick. He slept GREAT last week and over the weekend, although he did get another rash over the weekend...we're thinking it may be all citrus, especially since his FACE also broke out Saturday after I fed him a peach (like a huge peach, all over his face). Anyway, we'll going to cut out other fruits too just to see if we can pin it down completely.

OK - back to current time. As always, Hunter seems to take big steps when he's sick. Seems opposite, but it's been pretty consistent his whole life...maybe he's more easygoing because he's tired, so he'll do things when asked. Who knows!??!

Yesterday, he was running a fever and we took him to the doctor - double ear infections. I won't go into the sordid details, but it is all my fault. I feel terrible - I deserved to have to deal with this on my birthday! However, with my easygoing, sick child, I got what sounded an awful lot light "Happy Birthday" from Hunter last night. I will try to get the video posted soon - still haven't figured out why Firefox won't let me load videos without breaking. I think we need a new computer.

This morning, Hunter woke up with 103.6 temp because again, Mommy didn't do her job and wake him up during the night to give him Tylenol or Motrin. But I didn't learn my lesson, because he took a three hour nap earlier and woke up with 104 temp. Don't get me wrong, it was going down pretty quickly once I figured out he had a temp, but my goodness that was a hot baby!!! Daddy and I were both home today because of Eduardo - our offices closed in anticipation of flooding (which I do not think has happened anywhere at this point, and the rain has stopped for now).

Anyway, latest temp went down and Hunter was in a great mood. We tried walking again and BAM!!! He was taking 5 or 6 steps at a time, sometimes not even TO anything or anyone in particular! We are so proud, and he seems to be proud of himself. It's adorable - man, he's growing up fast!

I haven't gotten video yet, but I am way behind on pictures, so I will post some now.

This was his 12-month picture that I never got to post.

This one is a bit blurry, but what a great laugh...it's contagious!

Finally...sunglasses that fit Hunter's monster head!!!

1 comment:

The Beasley's said...

Hey chick! I feel terrible I haven't talked to you in forever. And just FYI, I NEVER have woken up Abby in the middle of the nite when she's had a fever earlier in the day. I'm right there with you. I feel like if she's *actually* able to sleep, and we've had problems the whole day previous, I am absolutely going to let her sleep! Hunter looks so cute in his pictures. We definitely need to catch up soon. Happy Belated Birthday, too :-) Sending all our love!!!
Amy & Abby