Sunday, April 05, 2009

A few of my favorite things...

1. Hunter's idea of counting to 10: "one, two, free, five, ten" with a lot of clapping at the end. Sometimes he throws "nine" in there for good measure. And in "Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree," on the page where you count the 5 monkeys, it's just pointing to random places in the book and saying "five."

2. Another "Five Little Monkeys..." cute thing...he says "SAP" when you get to each page where the crocodile "SNAP"s at the monkeys.

3. He still says "more" when you get to the end of a song or a book, but I also taught him "again" which comes out more like "ageen." Not to be confused with Aggies, which he is also working on.

4. No matter what Hunter is eating, he will undoubtedly ask for his "poon" once he has the food in front of him, and then he will even more certainly tell you "big bite" when he gets a nice piece on the spoon while eating.

5. Hunter is a master at collecting things into a container, so Easter egg hunting was a breeze. I think there was a 12 egg limit so we gave some away to the smaller kids and ended up with 13 once we got home and actually counted. He was in the 0-2 age range - still not liking the whole Easter bunny thing though. Oh well. And we didn't get any good an Elmo basket - he has bunny ears too.
Playing on the jungle gym before we started

I tell you what - there are a lot of eggs in this little corner!

A glimpse of the Elmo Easter basket.

I'm not posing...I just fell trying to climb the mulch to get to an egg.

Me and Daddy hunting eggs!

I found another one!!!

That fuzzy thing is kinda scary and I'm hot. Can we go now??

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