Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jenna - 12 weeks

I can't believe it's been 12 weeks already. Where has the time gone?? And next week, Hunter will start going to school just from 8:30 to 3:00, so we started practicing that timeline this week. It will be nice to have breakfast with him every morning. And the plan in the afternoon is to take a walk right after picking him up, either around the neighborhood if it's nice (like today - gorgeous) or I'll take the stroller in the car with me and we'll head to the mall to walk inside. I'm thinking that's the only way I'll ever manage to get these last pounds off.
We went to the park this afternoon after school. Hunter just loves the neighborhood park - it was still a little wet from all the rain, but he managed to find a clean and dry slide and a little water certainly didn't hurt his pants. And I just walked Jenna around in the stroller since the sidewalk does a nice circle around the jungle gym. Of course, I'm still not completely used to having him go potty before we leave the house, so he needed to go as soon as we got there. Thankfully someone was going in to workout and let us into the clubhouse so that he could go. Hunter is a pro at the potty, in case I haven't mentioned that lately. I can't believe he was in diapers just 4 weeks ago. He even woke up with a dry pull-up yesterday morning for the first time, so maybe we'll get to go back to big boy pants at night again before long. He also ended up going number 2 twice yesterday morning on the potty before we headed to school. Such a big boy! (He's sitting on the couch beside me right now watching Mickey Mouse.)
As for baby Jenna at 12 weeks, she sleeps through the night most of the time, although she has woken up at 3am the last two nights for a "midnight snack." We still aren't on a roll with bottles. I have got to get disciplined and start doing at least one bottle every day and I need to do it when she's really hungry. Think I'll do one when she wakes up next...should be any minute, so here are some pictures before I get pulled away.

Still trying to figure out what color those eyes are going to be...they're looking a little more green to me, but I'm sure it's just wishful thinking...

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