Thursday, October 29, 2009

2009 Lakewood Montessori Fall Festival

I forgot that Brent took a couple of pictures at the Fall Festival last Friday night. I think this is the first one we've gotten of me with both kids, but Hunter isn't looking at the camera (typical). And Jenna wasn't really dressed up for this event - just in her very warm pumpkin hooded and footed sleeper. So cuddly!!!

Hunter was ALL over the place at this festival. I guess it's pretty normal for a 2-year-old to not participate in any events but want to look at every single thing. He did get to pet some very cool animals including a donkey (below) and a deer (beautiful). Hopefully at some point, he will have the courage to participate in some of the events and not shy away. His teacher said that he definitely is not shy in the comfort of the classroom. I personally think it was all a bit overwhelming for him, and it didn't help that the activities started before 4:00 and he had to stay in his classroom until we got there around 4:30. Poor kid kept watching his friends go out the back door with their parents and he had to stay with his remaining friends in "circle time."

I was looking back at Hunter's first Halloween pictures. He was Superman - adorable! I might have to put Jenna in that outfit just to see how much alike they look. I can't tell if they look alike since she's always in pink and he was NEVER in pink. :) What do you think? Is that silly to put her in his first costume? It's not like I'll take her out of the house in it or anything...

1 comment:

Tíogar Farm said...

LOVE Hunter's costume! Bring them over to the house sometime and they can visit our petting zoo!

PS - I see nothing wrong with putting Jenna in the Superman costume ...