Saturday, November 07, 2009

First “Smith Family” Football Game

So, Hunter is two-and-a-half and had never been to a sporting event.  We weren’t sure how it would go, but figured the best place to find out would be a high school football game.  Thankfully, I looked at the schedule the day before the regular season ends in Houston, and we were able to make it to the Cy Woods vs Cy Falls football game this afternoon.

If anyone has been to Berry Center, Cy Fair ISD’s athletic center and theater or whatever, you know what we experienced.  This place is huge and the football stadium is better/bigger than my college alma mater (not comparable to Kyle Field, of course).  It opened in 2006 and is very impressive.

The weather was perfect for football, a little breeze but perfect temperature and we got there just before sunset.  Jenna was an angel.  Hunter – not so much.  I think he may be getting sick (again) so he was absolutely heartbroken when we finally said “If you don’t stay in your seat, we’re going home” and we really did.  We got to see Cy Woods (that is the high school Hunter and Jenna would go to, but of course, they will surely have one or two new high schools by that time) beat up on Cy Falls a bit in the 2nd quarter and saw the very beginning of Cy Falls band’s performance at halftime. 

Don’t get me wrong – Hunter enjoyed it!!  He just wouldn’t sit still – he’s 2!!  We expected this!!  Next time he goes to a sporting event, we will ensure that a snack is handy and will use it to bribe him as often as needed.  :)  I told him when we first got there that he gets to see football in real life instead of on TV because Saturday is “Football Saturday” at the Smith house, so he knows, for example, to not ask to watch Mickey Mouse on Saturday afternoon because its “Football Saturday.”  He repeated “football not on TV” a few times while we were there.  So cute.

Anyway, Hunter gave us some play-by-play a couple of times when someone would get a long run. And he clapped when the people around us clapped (even though we were sitting on the wrong side – the Cy Falls people were nice though and we pretended to cheer for them).  He seemed to really enjoy himself and probably would have gone up and down the bleachers harmlessly if we had let him further than 2 rows down and 2 rows up – this was actually a larger radius than I had originally anticipated, but we sat where the sun was shining in people’s faces, so there weren’t that many people around us.  :)

hunter football

We only got one snapshot unfortunately.  When it was time to go, we drug him out and even tried to pretend we were going to let him go back into the stadium with a complete stranger that was coming in as we were going out, thinking that would scare him into submission.  But he started heading back in, so Brent had to grab him.  LOL!  He repeated over and over on the way to dinner “I want to watch football!!”  And then decided to change his stance to “I want to watch Mickey Mouse on TV in the family room.”  The kid is too smart for his own good.  Thankfully, he was back to his cheerful self by the time we got to the restaurant and we didn’t hear another negative word from him the rest of the night.

According to, Cy Falls pulled the win from Cy Woods, 46-43.  I think Cy Woods had only lost one game this season before today, so this may have been quite the upset.  Oh well – next year. 

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